Environment House & Home Lifestyle

Pull the plug on phantom power

Photo of a plugged in cord.
Written by CMN News Service

Whether we’re streaming content, checking social media or asking our smart speaker do its magic, we love being connected – but at what cost?

The average Canadian home has 25 or more electronic devices plugged in, and the standby or phantom power these devices use can account for five to 10 per cent of a household’s electricity bill. Most of these appliances are only used five to 30 minutes each day and the rest of the time they’re on standby.

Pull the plug on phantom power with these simple tips:

  • Use power bars with timers. Group things together, like the TV, stereo, speakers and gaming consoles, and use a timer to shut them off while you’re not at home or asleep.
  • Unplug chargers for your cell phone, tablet, vacuum, power tools, electric toothbrushes and other appliances when they’re not in use, or use a power bar with a timer to turn on only at night.
  • Finished getting ready? Unplug your hairdryer, straightening iron or curling iron before you head out the door.
  • Turn it off. Some appliances like ovens and microwaves have a powersaver mode to turn off unnecessary displays.
  • Look for Energy Star-rated appliances and home electronics as they use less electricity and have built-in energy saving features.

Reducing your home’s phantom power can add up to savings on your electricity bill now and in the future. Looking for more savings? Spend a few minutes to enroll in the AffordAbility Fund and see what free energy saving upgrades you may qualify for at affordabilityfund.org.

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