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Save on gas – and the planet – this winter

Une partie de votre carburant sert à fournir l’énergie nécessaire pour propulser vos pneus sur la route.
Written by CMN News Service

(NC) We could all use new ways to cut our expenses. One way to do that is by choosing the right winter tires.

Premium tires often require less energy to operate (because of less rolling resistance) which in turn produces a lower level of carbon dioxide emissions. This also means better fuel efficiency for your car, since less energy is required to power its forward motion. So not only are you reducing your impact on the environment by buying premium tires, but you’re also saving a little gas money at the same time.

For example, premium tire manufacturer Nokian Tyres reduced the rolling resistance of its products by an average of 8 per cent between 2013 and 2018, resulting in a reduction of 128 million kilograms of CO2 into the atmosphere.

You can play a role in keeping your tires’ rolling resistance low by inflating them to their proper level. Underinflated tires generate more friction and are less fuel-efficient. They’re also more prone to blowouts and wear out more quickly.

You can usually find that on a sticker inside your driver’s-side door or in your car’s owner manual. Be sure to regularly check your tire’s inflation level, because cold weather reduces tire pressure. That’s why your tire light often comes on after a sudden drop in temperature.

Pay attention to how tires are produced

Green driving practices start before your tires ever touch the road. Many manufacturers have modified their production processes to become more eco-friendly. Buying from them rewards their efforts and reduces your footprint.

There’s no way to completely eliminate our impact on the environment, but these simple actions can help us reduce it. Then, you can enjoy Canada’s stunning scenery while knowing you’re doing something to preserve it.

Find more information on eco-friendly driving at nokiantires.com.

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